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Horizon Europe Workshop in UA09 Region

On July, 1st, 2022 the FIT-4-NMP project together with the New Economy of Frankivsk (NEF) project held a regional workshop in FIT-4-NMP prioritized Ukrainian region UA09 (Ivano-Frankivska oblast). 


For the workshop, the NEF project carefully pre-selected the local participants, representing researchers and technology-oriented businesses working in the NMP field. 

The event was held at the premises of Promprylad.Renovation innovation centre and gathered near 19 participants from different types of organizations.


During the workshop, the expert from Intelligentsia presented the Horizon Europe structure, participation rules, schedule and examples of NMP-relevant calls. The local Horizon Europe National Contact Point for Cluster 5 was invited. He presented the success stories of Ukrainian and regional participation in EU-funded programmes and gave recommendations for the newcomers.


The presentations of the speakers were followed by extensive discussions of the participants' cases and potential applications.


As a result of FIT-4-NMP services presentation, several participants expressed interest and were invited to join the FIT-4-NMP as talented newcomers for further support.


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